How to edit your profile? And Add Household Members to your account?
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Open CS Application and click on Profile on the app features page (My Profile also could be under Membership option in Features page, if you have leader or extra permissions). Features page is the default page, and you can always get to it by clicking on Features in the App menu.
To update your primary account information, edit your changes.
If you would like to update your phone number, click on the clear button next to your phone number, then make the change, and verify your phone number.
Click on Update Profile button to save the changes you have made to the primary account information.
To add a house hold member, click on button Add Household Member.
Fill in your household member information then click Save button.
To add more household members, click again on button Add Household Member, then continue as mentioned in the last two steps.
You can also add profile and household member pictures by clicking on select and choose the desired picture.
You can also change the App interface language, by changing your preferred language and clicking on Update Profile.